So early into the year and we are already in full swing. Many new and returning staff have joined the Hoppers team; the Estancia delegation has returned from California, students have participated in Study Camps and, with the exception of Year 7 students (who will be finalised next week) the 2020 SRC has been named. Read more…
Newsline_Issue 2_2020
Students across all year levels continued to be actively engaged in their learning this term through hands-on tasks, incursions and extra-curricular activities. For students curious about, or contemplating applying for a future position with the SRC, the Student Representative Council de-mystifies the interview process. . Read more…
Newsline Issue 8 2019
Once again our Year 12 students have done us proud, by producing our highest ATAR score to date, as well as the most number of students receiving scores in the 90’s. The College has been investigating ways to put the Government’s 2020 mobile phone ban in place. Read more…
Newsline_Issue 7_2019
Our Year 12 students have all but come to the end of their secondary school education, with the exception of a few more exams to be sat. Year 9, 10 and 11 students will be sitting their exams in the coming weeks. Our 2020 College Captains have been named and preparations for the end of year events are in full swing. Read more . . .
Newsline_Issue 6_2019
We’ve gone and done it again! Our Wakakirri team has done us proud, and walked away with a fifth State Championship. This term has seen a string of successes and been a hive of activity including a visit from our sister school in Italy. Read more . . .
Newsline_Issue 4_2019
Year 7 Camp, Business Carnival, Music Performances, WRICA Careers Expo, College Careers Evening and a Multicultural Food Expo are just a few of the fun and engaging activities that were enjoyed this jam-packed term by staff and students across the College. The school community once again embraced the popular Community Connection Concert and rehearsals are revving up for this year’s Wakakirri heats. Read more . . .
Newsline_Issue 2_2019
The Annual Uniting Pancake Day fundraiser was only one of the many events that took place at the College this term. The place was abuzz with incursions, excursions, internationally acclaimed guest speakers, Harmony Day celebrations, parent/teacher interviews and a mathematics competition to name just a few.
Read more . . .
Newsline_Issue 3_2019
Thanks to the collaborative work of our outstanding Student Representative Council, students will now feel the cold a little less with the introduction of our new official College beanie. The grit and determination of 2 of our talented students have been recognised in their chosen sports with opportunities for overseas travel. Read more . . .
Newsline_Issue 1_2019
With so much going on in such a short space of time you would be forgiven for thinking we are further into the year than we really are: already our 2019 Student Representative Council has been named; the 2018/19 Student Exchange delegation returned from its trip to the USA; Year 12 students soaked up the Study Camp experience and a Welcome Barbecue was held for our new Year 7 students and their families. Read more . . .
Newsline_Issue 7_2018
This year the College saw not only the highest ATAR score in its 34 year history, but a record-breaking number of ATAR scores in the 90’s. We are extremely proud of all our Year 12 students who worked so hard to achieve fabulous results. The core of the 2019 student leadership group has been named and next year will include an additional 2 students as College Music Captains. Read more . . .