Newsline Issue 5 – 11th September 2015

Jo TerrillLatest News, Newsline

Excitement is almost at fever pitch with the Wakakirri Awards Night which is taking place next week. Our Italian Sister School has arrived and the 2015 China Delegation is preparing for their departure to China later this month. Our 2016 Netbook Program information is contained within the pages of this issue of Newsline. The October Test timetable is highlighted

Episode 13 2015 – The one about ‘The Italian Delegation’

Candace ShawEstancia, Hoppers TV, Latest News

This episode covers the exciting arrival of the 2015 Italian Delegation! We welcome delegates from our sister school in Forli and find out a little more about life in Italy, as well as destroy some stereotypes. It was great to welcome them with a Year 11 Pep Assembly. Find out why learning another language is important by watching this episode!

Episode 12 2015 – The one about ‘Be Yourself’

Candace ShawEstancia, Hoppers TV, Latest News

This episode covers the Year 9 High Resolves School Action Project ‘Be Yourself Day’, the Year 10 Pep Assembly (hosted by the Estancia Eagles) and features an E-Smart film to raise awareness of bullying and technology. We also look forward to welcoming students from our Italian sister school ‘Liceo Scientifico’. Lastly, watch out Year 12s for ‘Super Friday’ next week.