School Improvement

Hoppers Crossing Secondary College has made significant improvement in areas relating to Student Learning, Student Engagement and Transition and Pathways. Since 2009, the College has received outstanding results from the student Attitudes to School Survey, Parent Opinion Survey and Staff Opinion Survey, with many areas being rated above state benchmarks.

Significant College Improvements

The College has implemented many positive and significant changes since 2006, in order to improve the academic culture throughout the College and raise student academic standards.

Such improvements include:
  1. Raising the average VCE Study Score from 22 in 2005 to 29 in 2016
  2. 89% of VCE students exiting the College in 2021 entered further education, training or full time employment
  3. Whole school Common Instructional Model
  4. College Teaching & Learning Framework
  5. Student academic reports are produced every 5 weeks
  6. Introduction of mid-year Honours Evenings (Junior & Senior School)
  7. Semester-based units to provide in-depth learning from
    Years 7 – 12
  8. Establishment of $2M Science Centre
  9. Structured Student Leadership Programs
  10. Data projectors in every classroom ensuring an optimal learning environment for use with the BYOD Netbook Program
  11. Improved College landscaping and outdoor learning environment

The improvement in the overall appearance of the College, in conjunction with improved academic outcomes for our students, has seen the College experience significant growth in student enrolments. Many parents/carers within the City of Wyndham consider Hoppers Crossing Secondary College as their preferred school for government secondary education. The College has grown from 945 students in 2005 to a total student population of 1,550 with approximately 190 teaching and non-teaching staff in 2022.

Long-Term Improvement Goals

Student Learning
  • To improve student learning in the senior years, particularly VCE and VCAL
  • To improve student learning gains as follows:

below expected level’ into ‘at expected level’,

at expected level’ into ‘above expected level’ and

above expected level’ into ‘enhanced level’.

Student Engagement and Wellbeing
  • To improve student engagement in learning seen by improved student attendance and connectedness to the school.
Transition and Pathways
  • Continue to maximize students’ opportunities for further education, training and full-time employment.
  • Improve student retention from Years 7 to 10.

I encourage you to read our School Strategic Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan, in order to gain greater detail in relation to how our College is aiming to achieve all associated goals and targets.