To see the timetable for Mid Year Examination timetable for Senior Schools – click here
Newsline_Issue 4_2021
Well, it’s been an undeniably disrupted and challenging term but true to form our College community has demonstrated true grit yet again. With plans and programs being on again, off again thanks to COVID restrictions, we’ve all become adept at accepting change and thinking on our feet. Fortunately, all was definitely not lost and there were some events still able to take place.
It’s pleasing to experience life returning to normal daily with whole school events now back on the school calendar. We’ve already held Open Days for prospective families and our Annual Athletics Carnival. We’ve also been involved in the Wynspeak Public Speaking Competition and with the What’s Coming Up? calendar taking up 2 pages of this issue of Newsline, it doesn’t look like things will be slowing down any time soon.
Newsline_Issue 2_2021
It seems we’re making up for lost time this year. So much has happened this term, it’s almost a blur.
Students across all year levels have participated in a wide range of activities including incursions, excursions, after- school year level activities, inter-school sports and camps such as the 3-day SRC Leadership Camp which took place at Lady Northcote Recreation Camp.